Confirmation Classes
Confirmation Classes are offered annually, and scheduled based upon the date of the Bishop’s Visitation. You can find out more by calling the Parish Office at: 574-267-6266.
Reflections Bible Study
Reflections is offered on Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m. Reflections is a weekly bible study on the scripture readings for the upcoming Sunday. We meet in the parlor on the second floor.
Don’t know your Leviticus from your Luke, your Hosea from your Hebrews? Come join Reflections Bible Study for often serious, sometimes humorous, guided discussions about the upcoming Sunday’s readings. Reflections give a deeper understanding of the chosen readings which form the basis of our priest’s sermon each week.
Whether you’ve read the entire Bible, some of it or perhaps only a little, you’re bound to come away with some new insights from the thoughtful discussions and experience a closer relationship with your fellow congregants.
If you have a suggestion for a topic you would like to explore at future Adult Forums, please call the office to discuss: 574-267-6266″
Sunday services are held at 8 (Rite I) and 10:15 a.m. (Rite II) The Eucharist is holy, a sacred celebration that brings us into close contact with the holiness of God. In the Eucharist the holiness of God is present to us in a unique way. We are made holy by the very act of participating in the Eucharist. Everything associated with the Eucharist is blessed and holy.
Please join us for worship, whether in person or digitally!