Every November, we provide a full Thanksgiving dinner for families who are struggling financially. This year we are asking members of the parish to donate funds to purchase the items that go into the baskets. Those items are: stuffing, green beans, cream of mushroom soup, french fried onions, instant mashed potatoes, gravy, and applesauce. We will also give each family a $40 voucher for food items only to be used at Kroger to purchase the meat of their choice and any other food that is needed. With donations, we are able to purchase these items at a discount to fill the baskets. In 2023 we served 200 families with a Thanksgiving dinner. It is our plan to serve 200 families in 2024 too. St. Anne’s also received donations to assist with this ministry from The Greater Warsaw Ministerial Association, The Salvation Army and Safeway Door. What an amazing gift to our community.
FEBRUARY OUTREACH OF THE MONTH– FELLOWSHIP MISSIONS Our local homeless shelter has the following needs: cases of bottled water, coffee, salt and pepper, hot cocoa, sugar, canned fruit and vegetables, vegetable oil, pasta of any kind, pasta sauce, jars/packets of gravy, paper plates, dish soap, paper towel, and trash bags. If giving a monetary donation, please write: Fellowship Missions Outreach on the memo line.

St. Anne’s Free Library: New addition to St. Anne’s is a “Free Library” located in front of the playground on the west side of St. Anne’s. Please help yourself to a book that you would like to read. You may return it when you are finished.
The Beacon St. Anne’s outdoor food pantry helps provide nonperishable foods and hygiene items to our neighbors. To help, pick up extra grocery items when you shop and place them into the pantry any time throughout the week. No glass items please. Popular items: Cereal, peanut butter, jelly, spaghetti and sauce, tuna, Tuna Helper, shells & cheese…
Monthly Outreach Projects
- January–Beaman Home-We provide pajamas and slippers for Beaman Home residents.
- February–Fellowship Missions-We contribute needed personal care items such as toiletries, paper products, etc. for this community mission program.
- March–BABE – Beds and Britches Etc. We will have a baby shower to buy supplies that young mothers can use vouchers to purchase.
- April –Our Father’s Pantry – We will fill up Our Father’s House Food and toiletries pantry.
- May–Salvation Army Food Pantry-We will collect food items to help stock our local Salvation Army Food Pantry.
- June–St. Margaret’s House Day Shelter –Started by the Diocese of Northern Indiana and located at the Cathedral of St. James. We will collect items needed to provide the care they provide for the clients that come to the facility.
- July–Soup Kitchen-We prepare a hot meal and serve hungry individuals and families as part of community-wide soup kitchen.
- August–Habitat for Humanity – We will have a houswarming shower and collect funds for current and future builds.
- September-WCHS Pantry– We collect food for Warsaw Community High School students. Students have access to this pantry after school.
- October–Animal Welfare League-We collect monetary donations and supplies for animals at this local animal shelter as part of our church-wide blessing of animals in honor of St. Francis of Assisi.
- November-Thanksgiving Baskets-We provide a basket of food filled with everything needed for a Thanksgiving meal. For over 225 families in Warsaw and surrounding towns.
- December–Hat & Mitten Tree-We collect hats and mittens for children in the Title One Schools
St. Anne’s will be participating in the 2024 Warsaw Mobilepack on October 21-25 at the Warsaw Community High School. If you would like to donate to Feed My Starving Children please use the QR Code provided and your donation will be credited to the St. Anne’s giving amount.