Fellowship & Events

There will not be a Dog Show in 2024. Stay tuned for 2025, we hope to have it return.

St Anne’s Community Dog Show and Pet Blessing Co Chairs: Dave Baumgartner, Miechi Petro, Brenda Rigdon

Mark your calendars now for the Dog Show on October 7th ! Registration opens at 9:30, first class starts at 10 a.m. You do NOT want to miss this fantastic new event! The Dog show is a Fundraiser and a Friend-raiser. We hope to bring lots of folks to our church’s backyard for a day of FUN, FOOD, and FUR!

All profits from this event will benefit our outreach programs, including our new food ministries. AND if you have a furry canine member of your family, I hope you will sign them up to participate too!

All dogs are welcome: purebred, rescued, mixed breed and Heinz 57. Come “Strut Your Mutt” with us on October 7th . The show includes 4 classes: Waggiest Tail, Best Trick, Dog and Owner Look-alike and Best Costume! Judges for the day are area “celebrities” Suzie Light, Jeff Grose and Dr. Tom Howard. The emcees for the event are our own Dave Baumgartner and Jay Rigdon. There will be an agility demonstration, and then folks are invited to have their dogs attempt the agility course too, just for fun. The event is being broadcast live on the radio on station WIOE, to encourage lots of folks from the region to come down for the fun and the food at our concession stand. And dogs in attendance can visit the Pet Blessing Tent, and receive a blessing to celebrate St Francis Day.

Admission is free, but a free will donation of a can of food for the food pantry is encouraged. Don’t miss out on the fun—and sign up on the poster in Rose Hall if you’d like to help us with this great new event for our church community.


Saint Anne’s Mens Society focuses on outreach in the community; works with ECW on the annual sale; serves the Advent dinner to the parish; and enjoys fellowship with one another.  All men of the parish are members of SAMS. This ministry meets monthly.


The mission of SAMS is as follows: “Reach out to all men of our congregation to create and sustain a partnership based on Christ’s teachings, to promote fellowship and foster service to our parish and larger community.”


Membership in SAMS is open to all men who are 18 years of age or older and who are members or parishioners of record at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church.


SAMS holds regular meetings, normally on the first Monday of the month. These meetings are generally informal and include a light meal, a time of fellowship, a business meeting and devotions.

Generally held in Rose Hall (the fellowship hall) at St. Anne’s, meetings start at 6:30 and are completed within an 60 to 90 minutes.


Occasionally guests are invited to speak to the group. At times meetings may be held on a boat or lakeside or at somebody’s home to catch up on the big game after the meeting has ended. Regardless the meetings allow us to get to know each other better and to share our lives more fully with one another.

Christian Growth

The men of St. Anne’s are committed growing closer to God, following and learning from Christ’s teachings and the lessons of the Bible. Each meeting will have a short devotional to help us better understand God’s purpose in our lives. These reflections can be a simple story, or a meaningful experience. The focus is on God’s will and meaning in our lives.



As noted in Romans 12:6-8, all people have gifts. These spiritual gifts, given by God and embodied by us, shine forth in the services we provide. SAMS is committed to using these gifts to fulfill the mission of God. By showing Christ-like love for our church, our neighbors and our community, SAMS commits all resources to these ministries.

The St. Anne’s Annual Sale is conducted during the first full week of June. This annual event gathers donations from the community and these items are then sold to raise funds for our ministries. The proceeds from this sale are spilt between the Episcopal Church Women (ECW) and SAMS.

Monetary Donations

Monetary donations are given each year to various organizations and groups. Recurring donations from SAMS include:

  • The Salvation Army
  • Our Father’s House
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Baker Youth Club
  • SAMS Scholarship ($500 annually for 4 years)
  • YMCA
  • WCHS Prom for Special Needs
  • Summer Camp / Mission Trips

SAMS reserves a portion of all money raised for discretionary expenditures, based on the needs of the community; including providing funds for the Priest’s Discretionary fund and monthly outreach.

Mailing List

If you would like to be included in the SAMS email list, please contact our current president, Dave Baumgartner at bigkatdj@gmail.com). 


Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

ECW is a caring community of women at St. Anne’s. Our mission is to empower each other to live the life for which Christ called us by sharing his love through outreach, fellowship, and spiritual growth.
Monthly Outreach Projects
  • JanuaryBeaman Home-We provide pajamas and slippers for Beaman Home residents.
  • FebruaryFellowship Missions-We contribute needed personal care items such as toiletries, paper products, etc. for this community mission program.
  • MarchBABE – Beds and Britches Etc. We will have a baby shower to buy supplies that young mothers can use vouchers to purchase.
  • AprilCASA Court Appointed Special Advocates
  • MaySalvation Army Food Pantry-We will collect food items to help stock our local Salvation Army Food Pantry.
  • JuneSt. Margaret’s House Day Shelter –Started by the Diocese of Northern Indiana and located at the Cathedral of St. James.  We will collect items needed to provide the care they provide for the clients that come to the facility.
  • JulySoup Kitchen-We prepare a hot meal and serve hungry individuals and families as part of community-wide soup kitchen.
  • AugustHabitat for Humanity – We will have a housewarming shower and collect funds for current and future builds.
  • September-WCHS Pantry– We collect food for Warsaw Community High School students. Students have access to this pantry after school.
  • OctoberAnimal Welfare League-We collect monetary donations and supplies for animals at this local animal shelter as part of our church-wide blessing of animals in honor of St. Francis of Assisi.
  • November-Thanksgiving Baskets-We provide a basket of food filled with everything needed for a Thanksgiving meal. For over 225 families in Warsaw and surrounding towns.
  • DecemberHat & Mitten Tree-We collect hats and mittens for children in the Title One Schools
Spiritual Growth
We had a Retreat at the Wawasee Episcopal Center. It was March 10-11, 2023. The theme for 2023 is “Take Me Away! Recharging by Resting in the Lord.” Friday evening is a casual evening with snacks, games, and fellowship. Saturday we do a mosaic tile and share pieces of our lives that have helped us grow on our journey.
 In 2024 there will be a summer retreat. Details will be available soon.
 ECW members are also actively involved with Parish Life and Parish Social Committees.
For ECW updates, please access “The Visitor” on the Home Page.
Every July we celebrate our Patron Saint, Saint Anne, with a combined Eucharist at 10 a.m. followed by a Brunch or Parish Picnic. This year we will Celebrated on July 28 with Bishop Doug Sparks Celebrating Holy Eucharist. The meal was a carry-in brunch. 

The Tuesday before Ash Wednesday is a day for celebrating. Traditionally it was the day that Christians cleaned the flour, sugar, and butter out of their pantries to make way for the fasting during Lent that begins on Ash Wednesday. At Saint Anne’s our tradition is to have a celebration in the evening on Fat Tuesday. Some years we have a pancake supper, some years we have Pasta and Decadent Desserts. We usually have a Children’s Mardi Gras mask making station followed by a Children’s Mardi Gras Parade through the Parish Hall.


Open Mic Night

Save the date for our Stewardship Celebration November 1, 2024.  Our Stewardship Theme this year is “Walk in Love”. 

Stewardship is also the purposeful use of our Time and our Talent, in addition to our Treasure. To highlight our many gifts of time and talent, we celebrate the Stewardship Season in November each year with our Open Mic Night Stewardship Celebration. Members of our Parish over the age of 21 come together, to enjoy a show. Our Parishioners have played the piano, the banjo, the guitar. They have sung, danced, told jokes, demonstrated science experiments, recited poetry and haiku! It is always fun, always interesting, and always great fellowship. Please plan to join us this November. You do not want to miss it!

After the 10:15 a.m. service, there is a Hospitality Hour in Rose Hall, with coffee, refreshments, and good conversation. This is a great way to make connections and find out more about our church!!

Our 2024 Convention is scheduled for Friday and  Saturday, October 25 & 26 here at St. Anne’s. Friday night, there will be a reception followed by  Evening Prayer and several workshops you can choose to attend.

Saturday, Diocesan Convention will begin with a Celebration of Holy Eucharist followed by the business meeting.  St. Anne’s delegates for convention are Mike Petro, Doug Blatz and Pam Hester with the alternates being: Julie Kuhn, Greg Ellis and Will Petro.

More details will be available shortly as the Diocese of Norther Indiana plans for our Diocesan Convention.