Ministry Guide & Spiritual Gifts

St. Anne's Ministry Guide and Spiritual Gifts Guide

The St. Anne’s Ministry Guide is a comprehensive view of the many ministries and service opportunities we have at St. Anne’s.  There may be other opportunities not listed, but the intent is to give the viewer a sense of what we do here at St. Anne’s and hopefully provide an awareness that there is a need for all of us to share our talents and time. Please check with vestry members if you have questions.

  • At-a-Glance Ministry Guide 2024
    • A spreadsheet visual of how the things we do at St. Anne’s are connected.  The little triangles in the corners of each ministry cell is a note of descriptions for that ministry.  Just hover or click on the triangle and the note will appear.

Spiritual Gifts characterize the specific call of God to each believer. 

Also called charisms, and partially listed in 1 Cor 12:4-11, these are graces granted by the Holy Spirit to empower the faithful to perform specific tasks. Called gratiae gratis datae (freely given graces) by the scholastics, they are at the service of charity (1 Cor 13:13). Given over and above the fundamental gift of faith and friendship with God (or, gratia sanctificans, sanctifying grace) they are neither necessary nor sufficient to salvation, but they characterize the specific call of God to each believer.  As defined by the glossary.

Please open Spiritual Gifts Questionaire to learn more about your unique gifts.