
Welcome Message

Welcome to St. Anne’s Episcopal Church! We are a faith-filled community, following the example of our Lord Jesus Christ and making a difference in the lives of people. All are welcome here!

At St. Anne’s, we believe that all church members are called to minister to God’s people through various roles in the Sunday Service, Christian Formation and/or through various outreach projects and programs. Please explore our website and feel free to contact us.

If you are curious about what we believe and teach, the best way to satisfy that curiosity is to come and worship with us! We have weekly services on Sundays at 8 am and 10:15 am.

We hope that we will see you here very soon!

God bless,

St Anne’s Episcopal Church

What time are church services on Sundays?

Service Times are: 8 am and 10:15 am on Sunday mornings.

Are the two services different from each other? If yes, how are they different?

The 8 am service is a solemn, contemplative service with music only during Communion. It is what is known as a Rite I Service in The Book of Common Prayer.

The 10:15 am service uses contemporary language and music from the 1982 Hymnal and other sources. The St. Anne’s Choir, and occasional instrumentalists, provide music during Communion. This is a Rite II service, which is also found in The Book of Common Prayer.

Is there a nursery?

Yes, for children ages newborn-preschool at the 10:15 am service.

Where is it located?

The nursery is on the main floor. As you enter the church, turn left toward the coat rack and the nursery is the first door to the left in the hallway.

Is there Sunday School for Children?

We are currently revisiting our Sunday School options as we search for a clergy.

Is there Formation for Adults?

Reflections Bible Study is offered on Tuesday mornings from 10 to 11 a.m.  At Reflections, we study and discuss the scripture readings for the upcoming Sunday.

How do I become a member of St. Anne’s?

To become a part of our church community, the first thing to do is worship with us. Worship is very much at the heart of the Anglican and Episcopal faith – it’s what we do, how we pray, who we are.

Once a year, depending on when the bishop visits, we hold Confirmation classes. These are for anyone new to our church, those who are curious about our faith or those interested in being confirmed in the Episcopal Church. If you are an Anglican or Episcopalian and are just looking for a refresher, this class is also for you. You can even reaffirm your faith when the bishop is here.

Can I have my wedding at St. Anne’s?

If you wish to have your marriage celebrated at St. Anne’s, we ask that you make our parish family your spiritual home, take an active part in our common life together and worship with us regularly. In the Episcopal Church, it is required that at least one of the people to be married is a baptized Christian. The ceremony must be witnessed by at least two people. The marriage must conform to the laws of the State and canons of the Episcopal Church. If you are interested in having your wedding at St Anne’s, please call our office at 574-267-6266 and make an appointment to see the Rector (Priest).

Can I be baptized at St. Anne’s?

If you wish to have your child baptized or if you are an adult who would like to be baptized, please call our office to schedule a meeting with the Rector. We would love to welcome you into the household of God.

Can I hold an event at St. Anne’s?

Rose Hall (the Parish Hall) is available for rental. To inquire about usage and availability, please e-mail  and request a copy of the rental agreement and schedule of rental fees.

How can I speak with the priest?

To make an appointment to speak with the Priest, call the office: 574-267-6266 or e- mail:

How do I get signed up to become involved at St. Anne’s?

There are many ways to become involved at St. Anne’s. Check the bulletin board in Rose Hall for sign-up sheets, watch the Sunday bulletins, the announcements are located in the back of the bulletin, following the passing of the peace, listen for the verbal announcements, the Visitor our quarterly newsletter, and the weekly e-mail, “This Week at St. Anne’s” for opportunities. If no contact person or chair is listed, call the office for more information: 574-267-6266.

St. Anne’s Church, a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana, welcomes all people. Our worship of God follows The Book of Common Prayer with the Holy Eucharist (Communion) as central to our worship.

Interested in Membership?

Please make yourself known to our priest and fill out our guestbook found near the entrance to the sanctuary. If you would like to attend regularly, please indicate that you would like a name tag. Name tags are on the board in the entrance area. On Sundays, our Greeters are available at the entrance to the church to greet you and for additional directions. After worship, they can be found in Rose Hall to answer questions and provide information to visitors.

Ready to Join St. Anne’s Church?

For those who have never been an Episcopalian or have never been baptized, we offer confirmation classes annually. Following Confirmation Classes, newcomers are then baptized and/or confirmed by the bishop at a special service. Baptisms take place on five feast Sundays throughout the year.

If you are an Episcopalian, please request that your Letter of Transfer be sent to St. Anne’s Church from your former parish. The Parish Administrator will be pleased to assist you. To become involved in parish activities, e-mail us at

Membership Requirements for Weddings and Baptisms

Those who wish to be married in St. Anne’s Church must have been a member of St. Anne’s Church for at least one year, or must be the child of one who has been a member for at least one year.

Those wishing to have their children baptized should be members of St. Anne’s Church. Baptisms are celebrated typically during regular church services on the following Feast Days: January – Baptism of our Lord, March/April – Easter Vigil or Easter morning, May – The Day of Pentecost, November – All Saints’ Day and the Bishop’s Visitation.