Pastoral Care

Monthly Healing Service

Unction is the sacramental rite of anointing the sick with oil, or the laying on of hands, by which God’s grace is given for the healing of spirit, mind, and body. On the second Sunday of each month, healing is offered after the 8 am and 10:15 am services. Simply wait your turn, come to the altar rail and tell the priest and lay healing minister your prayer request. The priest and healing minister will then lay their hands upon you and pray for you. You will be anointed with healing oil.

Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEMs) make up an important ministry in our parish, visiting and bringing Communion to those who cannot attend church for a reasonable cause. LEMs are trained by the clergy and licenses by the diocese to serve the Holy Eucharist from the reserved sacrament. The form used for this service, titled “Communion under Special Circumstances”, is found on pages 396-399 in The Book of Common Prayer.

Prayer Blanket Ministry

Prayer Blanket Ministry is carried out by a group of ladies that gather together to cut and sew each blanket. The blankets can be found in the gift counter in Rose Hall. If you know of someone who is ill or in need of healing, you may choose a prayer blanket, fill out the request form with the person’s name that is in need of prayers of healing, plus the prayer concern and your name as the giver of the blanket. Before the service in which the blanket is to be blessed, either give the blanket to an Altar Guild person or an usher to set out for the service. The blanket will be blessed and prayers of healing will be said by parish members on behalf of the person to whom the blanket will be given.

  If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please call the office at 574-267-6266.

If you are no longer able to come to the church for the Sunday service, and would like to have Holy Communion brought to you by one of our Lay Eucharistic Visitors, please call the church office at: 574-267-6266.

If you are in the hospital for more than one day, or in a Nursing facility for re-hab or extended care, please call the church office 574-267-6266 and let Carol know. 

Through St Anne’s Meal Ministry, we care for one another by cooking and delivering meals to families or people in our parish. For example, people who have surgery, a hospital stay, an extended illness or following the birth of a baby or the adoption of a child. Parish members are called upon to provide a meal. We take meals for three to five days, usually around dinner time, between 5 and 6 p.m. This awesome ministry is a huge blessing to both the giver and the receiver. Linda Roach is the Meal Ministry coordinator. If you or someone you know has a need for this ministry, please call the parish office: 574-267-6266 and we will coordinate with Linda for you.

The Care Ministry takes care of people in numerous ways: raking leaves, offering prayers, giving rides, and visiting people in nursing homes or the homebound. We are always looking for volunteers! Do you know someone who could use Care Ministry Help?
Please contact St. Anne’s office 574-267-6266 or email :

Clergy are available for short term pastoral counseling. Usually clergy will meet with an individual or couple several times, to listen, offer counsel and make any necessary referrals. If longer or more in-depth counseling is required, a referral may be made to a licensed counselor or agency. To make a counseling appointment, call the church office at: 574-267-6266