The Parish

There was a group of people who felt called to gather as Episcopalians in Warsaw.  This dedicated group of 10 people began as a Mission Parish and gathered with Fr. Bruce Mosier on July 2, 1950 to celebrate Holy Eucharist at the Hays Hotel, which is where the Lake City Bank now stands.   A lot of firsts occurred in the next ten years including Sunday School, Confirmations, Baptisms and Requiem Eucharist.  The Roman Catholic church community built a new building (Sacred Heart) more centrally located in Warsaw and  in November 1960, St. Anne’s found a permanent home at 420 W. Market Street. 

There have been many other firsts and this history is rich with names of founding members and full of memories of early vicars, rectors, curates, assistants, and ministries.


We share the Light of Christ by giving hope, bringing joy, and loving each other.


Through the Holy Spirit we invite all to share the Gospel, celebrate life, and serve the Lord in our neighborhood, community, and the world.


Our Beliefs:

We uphold the Anglican Tradition, demonstrated through the Liturgy, expressed through the Nicene Creed and the Apostle’s Creed, and celebrated through the Sacraments.

We Value:

Shared Ministry Between the Clergy and the Laity

Development of our Youth

Diversity and Inclusion

Relationships Built Through Fellowship

Along with our Mission, Vision and Values, we also have made a commitment to Creation Care:  In recognition that we are all called to be good stewards of God’s creation, we are bringing back some initiatives at St. Anne’s designed to reduce our impact on the environment.  This effort ties in with the Creation Care Initiative of the diocese and the national Episcopal Church, which pledges to “change our habits and choices to live more simply, humbly and gently on the Earth.”   Read about it in The Visitor newsletter.

 In caring for one another, our Care Committee also offers help with healthcare appointments? Members of the Care Committee are available to provide transportation and support to anyone needing a healthcare appointment of any kind, even if it is out of state.  No questions asked.  Please contact the church office or Cheryl at 574-527-4220.


St. Anne’s is currently in the search process for a new priest. 

Music Director

Bob Jarboe is the Music Director at St. Anne’s. Bob exudes enthusiasm and encouragement when talking about music. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Music degree from Manchester University, where he majored in piano with a minor in voice. Additionally he has a Master’s of Divinity from the United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. Bob can be reached by contacting the parish office.

Parish Administrator

Carol Bianchini has had the privilege to work and serve at St. Anne’s for 25 + years beginning in 1995. Carol is responsible for the administrative tasks for the parish as well as working with the Jr. Warden to oversee the use of our physical plant. 

Carol and her family have attended St. Anne’s since 1990. At St. Anne’s she is very involved with the music program, rolling cheeseballs, serving on Altar Guild and enjoying social events. 

Carol also serves on the diocesan staff as Diocesan Sr. High Youth Coordinator and Missioner of Finance. Carol has served as Diocesan Sr. High Youth Coordinator since 2006. Working with the youth and watching them grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Carol began serving as Missioner of Finance on August 15, 2016. She works at the diocese office on Mondays. 

Carol enjoys spending time with her family. Carol and her husband Scott were married in 1983. They have three children and nine grandchildren. Carol stated that one of the most precious parts of being a Nana (grandma) is having all of my grandchildren live close by and being able to enjoy them. Carol and Scott also have one very spoiled dog, Ezri was adopted in 2019. You can reach her by email at:

Make a Gift

Giving happens in many ways. We all strive to give of our time, talent and treasure. Giving this way helps us to grow closer to God, and strengthens our church family.

Here are some options for making a gift:

Give Now

Paypal gifts and donations can be made by scanning the QR Code on the Home Page.

Make a pledge for 2024, ACH giving is available.

Make a gift in memory of someone.

Make a gift for a designated program, project or mission.

Give Now and Receive Income

Did you know that you can make a gift to the church and receive income from that same transaction? This kind of gift can be a blessing for folks who have assets like CDs or Stocks or Bonds that are not producing the kind of income you need to have a higher quality of life, especially with interest rates so low. Here are three different ways you can give some of those assets to the church now, and create a stream of income for yourself! These types of gifts can also provide you with ways to save on your income taxes or protect you from Capital Gains taxes! Before making any of these types of gifts, you should speak with your CPA or your attorney to see which type of gift makes the most sense for you and your financial situation.

Charitable Gift Annuity

Charitable Remainder Trust

Charitable Lead Trust

Give Later

Lots of parish members feel more comfortable giving through a gift in their will or their estate plan. Obviously, these gifts happen at the end of your life. These gifts can be in any size and can be made in terms of a specific dollar amount or a percentage.

Gift in your Will

Gift of Life Insurance

Gift from your Retirement Account, 401 (k) or Pension Plan.

Jay Rigdon – Sr. Warden              

Dan Kuhn – Jr. Warden                   

Through 2024

Cheryl Hastings        

Shavawn Parduhn   

*Pam Vosler          

Through 2025

Sara Bauman           

Miechi Petro      

Bruce Shaffner   

Through 2026

Sandra Buchanan       

Cathy Carter        

Ellen Wease 


Clerk of the Vestry – Mallorie Petro