St. Anne’s Episcopal Chlurch
424 West Market St.
Warsaw, IN 46580
Rector: In Transition
Currently Serving is The Rev. Joseph T. Czolgosz as Interim Priest-in-Charge
Phone: 574-267-6266
Fax: 574-268-0714
Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday 9 am – 4 pm
Email: office@stanneswarsaw.org
Facebook: St. Anne’s Episcopal Church in Warsaw, IN
Instagram: st.annesepiscopalwarsaw
Online Donations can be made through Paypal
Live Streaming-Facebook: St.Anne’s Episcopal Church in Warsaw IN
- For information about the town of Warsaw: http://warsaw.in.gov
- For information about Warsaw Community Schools: http://www.warsaw.k12.in.us/
- For cultural opportunities in Warsaw: http://visitkosciuskocounty.org/explore-the-area/history-and-culture
WELCOME We welcome all who are present and invite you to join us for hospitality following the service in Rose Hall.
WELCOME If you are a guest and visiting us for the first time, please join us for Hospitality Hour following the 10:15 service. We are so blessed to have you here.
LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS, CHALICE BEARERS & LAY EUCHARISTIC VISITORS A meeting is scheduled on March 23 at 9 a.m. in the Sanctuary with Fr. Joe.
COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLIC RELATIONS MEETING is scheduled for March 23 at noon in the parlor.
MARCH OUTREACH OF THE MONTH – Our Father’s Pantry Is a food and toiletries pantry that is located at 2022 E. Winona Ave. It’s been open just over a year and needs the support of our community with food and paper goods. Most asked for items are: peanut butter, jelly, cereal, spaghetti & sauce, tuna, soup, toilet paper and laundry soap. If giving a monetary donation, please write: Our Father’s Pantry Outreach on the memo line.
SEARCH COMMITTEE UPDATE The Search Committee convened on 3/16/2025. New members Will Petro and Nathaniel Wise were introduced. Dan Coons was appointed Chaplin and Mercedes Pratt was appointed secretary. Committee members are to complete the spiritual gifts survey by our next meeting on 3/30/2025. We set Sundays at 9:00 a.m. as our meeting time as needed. Watch for additional announcements in the future to keep everyone updated. Greg Ellis & Diana Creech, Co-Chairs
PARISH DIRECTORY Please make updates to the directory located on the small table at the entrance of Rose Hall. Once updates are made, new directories will be printed.
PASSION READERS FOR PALM SUNDAY & GOOD FRIDAY If you would like to read a part for either of the Passion Readings, please see the sample readings and the signup sheet in Rose Hall on the small table at the entrance. There are some small parts that will be read from your seat, please consider reading one of those parts.
MORNING PRAYER Is offered on Monday and Tuesday mornings at 9 a.m. in the Chapel.
EVENING PRAYER Is offered on Monday evenings at 5:30 p.m. in the Chapel.
MID WEEK HOLY EUCHARIST is held on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 p.m. in the Chapel.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS Will be held every Friday during Lent at 6 p.m. If you would be interested in leading the Stations on March 28 and April 4 & 11 please see the sign-up sheet in Rose Hall or call the office to be placed on the schedule.
SPRING BREAK FOOD BOXES We are collecting money for school food boxes for spring break. These boxes will contain 9 days’ worth of breakfast, lunch, and snacks for food insecure children, many of whose parents will be working during the week. No amount is too small to help provide food for these children. Please make checks to St. Anne’s and put “school food box” on the memo line or place cash in an envelope marked “School Food Box” and place them in the offering plate. See Brenda Rigdon, Pam Vosler or Sandra Buchanan if you have questions. The last day for donations is March 23. Together we can make a difference!
VISITS WITH FR. JOE Fr. Joe will be reaching out to church members to continue scheduling meetings with St. Anne’s ministries and their leaders. If you would like to schedule a meeting with him or request that he reach out and meet with people in the greater Warsaw area, you can leave a message on the office phone or with Carol. You may also call Fr. Joe directly at 847-363-7572. Blessings and thank you
REFLECTIONS BIBLE STUDY Meets on Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. in the parlor to study the readings for the upcoming Sunday.
THE BEACON The food pantry is being visited daily. If you are able to share, it would be a gift to our neighbors. Items in need are nonperishable food items, hygiene products and cleaning supplies. No perishable or glass items please. If you want to support the outdoor pantry, the school lunch debts we pay off or our community garden, please write a check to St. Anne’s and specify which ministry on the memo line. Help us continue to serve our neighbors!
2025 FLOWER CHART To sponsor altar flowers, please sign up on the chart in Rose Hall. Flowers are $40 per arrangement, there are two per Sunday. Flowers may be given in memory, celebration or in thanksgiving. An envelope will be sent to you to fill out the information. The new chart is posted on the bulletin board in Rose Hall.
EASTER FLOWERS Please have all monies to the church office with thanksgivings or in memory of listed, by Sunday, April 13 to be included in the Easter bulletin.
** Please note-in trying to keep the prayer list updated, names have been removed. If you would like names to reappear on the list, email office@stanneswarsaw.org. Thank you!
Holy Week & Easter
Palm Sunday April 13 Services at 8 and 10:15 a.m. & Blessing of the Palms
Maundy Thursday April 17 at 7 p.m. Foot Washing, Holy Eucharist & Stripping of the Altar
Altar of Repose Thursday, following the service until 10 a.m. on Good Friday Parishioners take turns praying and waiting in the chapel throughout the night as a reenactment of the watch in the Garden of Gethsemane. To participate, please see the Sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in Rose Hall.
Good Friday April 18 at 7 p.m. Veneration of the Cross & Holy Eucharist from the Reserve Sacrament
Sacrament of Reconciliation Friday, April 18 from 3-5 p.m. in the chapel or by appointment. Please email Fr. Joe to set up a time at rector@stanneswarsaw.org
Holy Saturday April 19 at 9 a.m. Altar Guild set up for Easter (all members, please)
Easter Vigil Saturday, April 19 at 8 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Church located at 611 W. Berry St., Fort Wayne, IN
Easter Sunday April 20 at 9 a.m. Celebration of Holy Eucharist (One Service on Easter) beginning with the Butterfly Procession