St. Anne’s Episcopal Chlurch
424 West Market St.
Warsaw, IN 46580
Rector: In Transition
Currently Serving is The Rev. Joseph T. Czolgosz as Interim Priest-in-Charge
Phone: 574-267-6266
Fax: 574-268-0714
Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday 9 am – 4 pm
Facebook: St. Anne’s Episcopal Church in Warsaw, IN
Instagram: st.annesepiscopalwarsaw
Online Donations can be made through Paypal
Live Streaming-Facebook: St.Anne’s Episcopal Church in Warsaw IN
- For information about the town of Warsaw:
- For information about Warsaw Community Schools:
- For cultural opportunities in Warsaw:
WELCOME We welcome all who are present and invite you to join us for hospitality following the service in Rose Hall.
WELCOME If you are a guest and visiting us for the first time, please join us for Hospitality Hour following the 10:15 service. We also welcome Mother Cynthia and Deacon Joe as our guest Celebrant and Deacon. We are so blessed to have you here.
JANUARY OUTREACH OF THE MONTH– Beaman Home We are collecting pajamas for the residents of the Beaman Home. They are in need of all sizes for women, men and children. Please place the pajamas in the baskets in the narthex.
ANNUAL MEETING & VESTRY Biographies are posted on the bulletin board in Rose Hall. The election will take place at the Annual Meeting. Please plan to attend the Parish Annual Meeting on January 26. There will be one service at 10 a.m. followed by the Parish Annual Meeting. Please sign up to bring a food item for the Annual Meeting. The list is located on the bulletin board in Rose Hall.
VISITS WITH FR. JOE Fr. Joe will be in the office at St. Anne’s January 24 – 28. He will be reaching out to church members to continue scheduling meetings with St. Anne’s ministries and their leaders. If you would like to schedule a meeting with him or requesting that he reach out and meet with people in the greater Warsaw area, you can leave a message on the office phone or with Carol. You may also call Fr. Joe directly at 847-363-7572. Blessings and thank you.
DIOCESAN WINTER YOUTH RETREAT Is being held this weekend at the Wawasee Episcopal Center in Syracuse. Please hold the youth and their leaders in prayer.
SAMS & ECW MEETING Monday, February 3 at 6:30 p.m. in Rose Hall. All men and women of the parish are invited to attend.
REUNIFICATION CONVERSATION St. Anne’s will engage in a discussion regarding the Reunification of the Diocese of Northern Indiana and the Diocese of Indianapolis on Sunday, February 2 following the 10:15 a.m. service. Please plan to attend and share your thoughts. Our thoughts will be sent to the committee.
ALTAR GUILD MEETING On Sunday, February 9 between the services at 9 a.m. Fr. Joe would like to gather the Altar Guild together for a meeting. Please RSVP to
LENT IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER If you would like to chair or co-chair the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, please call or email the office. It’s a fun night celebrated the night before Ash Wednesday making the last day before the period of Lent when Christians traditionally fast and abstain from certain foods a fun and festive celebration with Mardi Gras beads and opening our doors to the community.
REFLECTIONS BIBLE STUDY Meets on Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. in the parlor to study the readings for the upcoming Sunday.
THE BEACON When you are out shopping please don’t forget to look at sale items for the food pantry. Our neighbors appreciate no perishable food items, hygiene products and cleaning supplies. No glass items please. If you want to support the outdoor pantry, the school lunch debts we pay off or our community garden, please write a check to St. Anne’s and specify which ministry on the memo line. We are doing such great things for our neighbors!
MARGARET’S HOUSE TOILETRIES Help us collect travel size toiletries for St. Margaret’s House in South Bend. Find the box on the gift counter in Rose Hall.
2025 FLOWER CHART To sponsor altar flowers, please sign up on the chart in Rose Hall. Flowers are $40 per arrangement, there are two per Sunday. Flowers may be given in memory, celebration or in thanksgiving. An envelope will be sent to you to fill out the information. The new chart is posted on the bulletin board in Rose Hall.
** Please note-in trying to keep the prayer list updated, names have been removed. If you would like names to reappear on the list, email Thank you!